
Faculty Name

Position and Title
Related Companies (hyperlinked)

TIPS! DO NOT DELETE! This will remain hidden from public view. :

>> Set up tags and categories
When you create a new faculty member  feature page, you will also need to add their name as a “Tag” and “Category” within the post system. Every event they host should be tagged and categorized with their name. But do not tag their faculty feature page (this page). 

>> To Populate Upcoming Events
Select the “Upcoming Events” section below > click on the “Content Tab” > select the “Query” drop down > and then include post by “term” > select “Tag: Instructors Name” If the events aren’t created or tagged yet, nothing will show. 

>> Update Metadata
Click the tiny setting wheel in the very bottom left corner of the page. Update “Title” to “Instructor Name | Faculty | Vitalist Institute” Additionally add a quick bio excerpt and update the featured image. 

Bio goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Qui aliquid consequatur aut aperiam corrupti est suscipit rerum! Est cumque dolor eos dolores amet ex quia officia et pariatur recusandae sit quae doloremque vel architecto quidem. Et deleniti sint non inventore ratione est magnam iste et enim quia qui tempora placeat non animi porro ad accusantium omnis. Asperiores quos sit facere unde est vero repellendus est dolor quos et consequuntur animi.

Autem dolore aut consequuntur ullam et doloremque qui dicta vitae et exercitationem dolorem ab velit eius aut omnis minima! Id ducimus quis ut error sequi sed fugit omnis et vitae voluptatem.

Sit distinctio laudantium eos mollitia officia a nostrum quis. Ut commodi repudiandae ad quia voluptate in porro sequi et molestiae fugiat qui corrupti laudantium. Aut odio tempore qui laboriosam minima aut velit deserunt ab odio deleniti qui dolor sint et accusantium adipisci qui saepe praesentium. Et aliquid assumenda sit atque temporibus hic deleniti rerum ea odit provident.

Upcoming Events